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Template documentation follows
Note: the template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:Disambig/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)
Marks an article as a disambiguation page, adding a banner to the article and categorizing it under Category:Disambiguations.
Articles using this template will also appear on Special:Disambiguations.
Add {{disambig{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}{{#ifeq: ---|---|||<--->}}}} at the top of a disambiguation page.